Hello All!
Thankyou so much for joining me on this blog.
Ive decided to ramp it up a little, so have my own domain and new website with a bit of a different layout to go with it.
Please click on over to sweetlifesisters.com and check me out!
Linley xx
Friday, 22 March 2013
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Getting some feel good factor
The weather is finally starting to cool down so I thought to myself, why not have another crack at the vege garden! After a woeful summer effort, it was too hot and the weeds provided to many good hiding spots for the snakes, I feel ready to start again. I am by no means a 'gardener', like my sister and Dad are, but I do manage to get things to live long enough to be eaten occasionally.
I also remembered a bit late that you need to wear gloves and not your wedding rings for this kind of work otherwise you get these.
There are so many upsides to gardening though - thought I'd knock 'em out in point form for you - in case you weren't sure....
I believe that like anything, moderation is the key. If you've been stuck in the house or at work for 5 days and missed the sun then you clearly need to get out there and soak up some rays. I try to walk the girls to school every day, which is fine while the weather is good, but what about when we get into the colder months? Gardening is the go for me, what can you do?
Linley xx
So here is the first stage of my garden plan, turning over the soil. You will note the 2 shovels there. Do not be fooled friends, my dear one sat in the shade while I toiled away on this lot, then strolled over and said your using the wrong one, here try this! Gee thanks.
I also remembered a bit late that you need to wear gloves and not your wedding rings for this kind of work otherwise you get these.
There are so many upsides to gardening though - thought I'd knock 'em out in point form for you - in case you weren't sure....
- Doing a bit of exercise. Check.
- Clearing the mind while working. Check.
- Growing healthy food for the family. Check.
- Getting vitamin D from the sun. Check.
I believe that like anything, moderation is the key. If you've been stuck in the house or at work for 5 days and missed the sun then you clearly need to get out there and soak up some rays. I try to walk the girls to school every day, which is fine while the weather is good, but what about when we get into the colder months? Gardening is the go for me, what can you do?
Linley xx
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Oops I did it again!
I've taken on a bit this fortnight, so of course I'm having a little freak out. Last week I started an online business course aimed at women, and I am loving it. We received our 2nd week module yesterday but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. I launched this personal blog into the 'webosphere', have school homework, after school activities and some rather large life decisions to ponder.
What I was doing today instead of dealing with any of those things was talking to my doctor again about my locked up jaw, insomnia and mountainous shoulders. We discussed that to deal with the rush of info and ideas and issues racing through my brain, I need to make a plan. Yeah, yeah, I know, I thought. But hang on, I don't actually have a plan, I'm just doing the best I can in the minute I'm in, and that doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere. Neither does 'going with the flow'. That is just not me. I need to know what I'm doing, how I'll be doing it and when.
Bugger it, I like the idea of being a free spirit, but apparently my conscious does not. It's the rush of creativity and energy, my need to get things DONE and written down and I want it all done now. Then while I'm at it, solve all the other problems and s*^' that has been bubbling along, along the way. Of course that's not possible, so I'll endeavour to calm down, take time and not try to do everything at once.
Once that's all done then maybe I'll make a plan.
Linley xx
I've taken on a bit this fortnight, so of course I'm having a little freak out. Last week I started an online business course aimed at women, and I am loving it. We received our 2nd week module yesterday but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. I launched this personal blog into the 'webosphere', have school homework, after school activities and some rather large life decisions to ponder.
What I was doing today instead of dealing with any of those things was talking to my doctor again about my locked up jaw, insomnia and mountainous shoulders. We discussed that to deal with the rush of info and ideas and issues racing through my brain, I need to make a plan. Yeah, yeah, I know, I thought. But hang on, I don't actually have a plan, I'm just doing the best I can in the minute I'm in, and that doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere. Neither does 'going with the flow'. That is just not me. I need to know what I'm doing, how I'll be doing it and when.
Bugger it, I like the idea of being a free spirit, but apparently my conscious does not. It's the rush of creativity and energy, my need to get things DONE and written down and I want it all done now. Then while I'm at it, solve all the other problems and s*^' that has been bubbling along, along the way. Of course that's not possible, so I'll endeavour to calm down, take time and not try to do everything at once.
Once that's all done then maybe I'll make a plan.
Linley xx
Monday, 18 March 2013
Granola recipe
I have been going all gourmet lately and having this sprinkled on my fruit and yoghurt, today was mango but it's usually blueberries or sometimes nectarines. When I first started having this for breaky as part of my sugar quitting program I would have it as a straight cereal, but now mix it up with my one serve of fruit for the day.
My Crunchy Granola recipe
3 cups raw almonds
1 cup cashews
1 cup macadamias
2 cups oats
1 cup shredded coconut
1/4 cup pepitas
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup chia
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup macadamia oil
Place all your nuts in a food processor and pulse until chopped into small pieces. Add this mixture to oats, coconut, seeds and chia and mix well. Add syrup and oil and stir really well until all dry ingredients are coated.
Spread this mix over 2 baking trays lined with baking paper and bake in oven a 160C for appox 25 mins. Keep an eye on the granola, once it's a nice and golden brown whip it out and leave to cool on the trays.
Now, like anything you can mix and match. I first started making this with no oats at all, but it was too rich for the rest of the family, so I added them in. It is a super filling start to the day and should keep you going through 'til lunch if you eat on its own.
Remember to use SWEETLIFE in the coupon code for 2 Brothers Foods to get free delivery of all your granola ingredients!
Linley xx
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Almonds. Not activated + a freebie
Today I'm going to share with you where I get my nuts, flour, spices and some of my gluten free foods. As most of you know, I live in a beautiful seaside town which doesn't quite stock the coconut oil and rice malt syrup one needs for their sweet arvo pick me up.
Luckily for me when I bought my thermomix last year the hot tip from my consultant was to order my whole grains, nuts, spices and flours from 2 Brothers Foods. They are a WA company and seriously have the fastest delivery I've EVER experienced. I place my order Monday and have it by Wednesday. The quality I've received has always been fantastic and the prices are so good.
Here is my order from this week, most of which goes towards my granola I have every morning with yoghurt and berries. I'll also usually get some almond meal for my chocolate muffins and oats for my fav cookie recipe.
Now this isn't a sponsored post, but I got super brave - all for you - and asked the guys whether they could do something for my lovely readers who perhaps hadn't heard of them yet, and even for those who do! They came back to me with a sweet offer of free postage! Legends.
Just enter SWEETLIFE in the coupon section during the second stage of payment and y'all get free delivery!
I'll tell anyone who'll listen about this great WA company, so if you already buy these foods or are looking to change your diet but worried about the cost then this is a great time to give them a go.
Linley xx
Friday, 15 March 2013
Miss C's Green Juice
Here she is, Miss C is action.
Today she will be helping me demonstrate the green juice. We blend because, well that's what we've got. You'll need a high powered one for this drink.
Miss C's Green Juice
1 Green apple
1 stick of Celery
1/2 Cucumber
2 handfuls of English Spinach
1tsp Vital Greens
1 cup Coconut water ( I never measure but this sounds about right)
5 ish ice cubes
Chop fruit and vege up a bit. Blend for 35 secs.
Drink, mustache optional.
A few little tips on why we do this:
Today she will be helping me demonstrate the green juice. We blend because, well that's what we've got. You'll need a high powered one for this drink.
Miss C's Green Juice
1 Green apple
1 stick of Celery
1/2 Cucumber
2 handfuls of English Spinach
1tsp Vital Greens
1 cup Coconut water ( I never measure but this sounds about right)
5 ish ice cubes
Chop fruit and vege up a bit. Blend for 35 secs.
Drink, mustache optional.
A few little tips on why we do this:
Green juices contain a rich supply of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids so are power-packed with nutrition. The chlorophyll in the greens you use benefit us when we consume them as they help oxygenate your bod. This encourages the release of toxins that have built up in the body over time.
Going green also assists in raising your hemoglobin levels, which causes the blood circulation to improve and gives you an energy boost. Some other benefits of drinking green juice include:
· Increases alkalinity so that the body goes from being acidic to alkaline.
· The body absorbs the nutrients faster.
· Promotes weight loss/control
· Tastes good.
You of course can mix and match your juices. Use lemon, ginger, kale, berries. Whatever tickles your fancy really.
Linley xx
You of course can mix and match your juices. Use lemon, ginger, kale, berries. Whatever tickles your fancy really.
Linley xx
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Naturopath Visit
So most of you know that I've been feeling tired lately (I'm the queen of naps) and am petrified of another season of sickness, so I kinda figured it was time to see what vitamins and minerals I should be taking, rather than just guessing and wasting my money on things that may not have been working. I decided to drop into my fav health food store on the weekend and made an appointment with the naturopath who was on call.
The main thrust of the visit was that I wanted to target my immunity and energy levels (and memory but forgot that one 'til the last minute!) She patiently listened to my blathering on and asked lots of questions, as you can see I've come away with quite the stash -and I get to do this twice a day. I cant 100% remember what each thing is for, but they are:
- fish oil tablets
- a super specific probiotic
- cough and lung tablets
- a great whack of magnesium
- a herbal tonic that tastes FOUL. (I sure hope that works.)
I've only been taking this for a few days now and I can see slight improvements. Everyone's body absorbs supplements and heals at different rates, it will also depend on how 'bad' things were before, but I'll hopefully have more to report to you in a couple of weeks.
I've dropped my other multi's I was taking and am just relying on Vital Greens now in my smoothies. She also massively recommended Chia - which Ive been using for over 3 years now. (I'll post more on this superfood later).
I'm not gonna lie to you, it isn't a cheap exercise, however I've been paying similar amounts for multivitamins that to be honest I wasn't seeing obvious benefits from. I would not be a wise person to continue on a path that was not working now, would I?
Linley xx
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Chocolate cream shortbread slice. Yes.
This is the shizzle.
You would never guess this is healthy and good for you! Its just a little cashews, rice malt syrup, coconut oil, dates, cacao and flavouring. My thermomix mates put me onto this little gem and I'm sooo glad they did, it's ridiculously easy to make and absolutely rocks my socks.
The original recipe is here for thermomix users and here for regular food processors. I switched out the honey/maple syrup for rice malt syrup, and didn't have any lemons so used only 25gm of lime juice. I would blend the chocolate topping for longer in the thermie than 2.5 mins as mine was still a little grainy in texture. Also keep in mind these need to be stored in the freezer.
The lime adds all the zing that makes these really pop, its very much an adult flavour and I doubt the kids will like it at all, too dark chocolately - coconutty in flavour for them. Well that's what I'm telling myself, I haven't offered it to them yet ....
All the more for me then.
Linley xx
Monday, 11 March 2013
Being Kind.
Last Friday I decided to do something kind for myself. I had restarted this blog and had worked quite hard on it, so I decided to 'treat' myself by using a voucher given to me for a massage. It was actually quite hard to sit still and relax in the waiting room. My phone was confiscated (the horror) so there were no distractions, thank goodness I didn't have to wait long!
Well that hasn't happened but other great things did come out of it. Some emotional buttons were pressed and it was here I realised I had to DO something about changing the way I felt about myself and my body. I quit sugar right there, on my holiday in Byron Bay and discovered the great Sarah Wilson, who kickstarted the changes in my life.
Phew, why is it that we need to leave home to see ourselves and resolve to change things that have been nagging at us for ages? I can not understand why most Mums, and women in general, don't do nice things for themselves more often. Why, why, why? Are we not worth looking after? It doesn't have to be an expensive thing, just taking time out to sit and relax, have a cup of tea and daydream. Don't plan the week ahead or worry about you worries!
Anywho, back to the massage! They are obviously so therapeutic and here are some reasons you should have one too.We have all read articles and books about looking after ourselves first, but never actually do it. I for one am going to start being kind to myself more often.
Go on and be nice to yourself.
Linley xx
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Sunday arvo Bliss Balls
These beautiful date and almond balls are one of my and Miss C's favourite go to afternoon snacks. There are plenty of recipes out there, this is my current version.
250 gm Almonds (walnuts or cashews could be used but Miss A is allergic to walnuts)
1 1/2 tbls Cacao powder (or cocoa)
big pinch of cinnamon
pinch of salt
splash of vanilla
10 Fresh dates
Garnish with cacao, coconut or crushed nuts
I am the proud (and lucky) owner of a thermomix so I just throw things in there, however a food processor would be great also.
Whizz up almonds, cacao, cinnamon, salt until the mix is a crumbly texture.
Add vanilla and dates and process until combined and you can form a ball that holds together. I usually need to add a couple of tablespoons of water to get the right consistency.
Cover the balls in coconut, cacao or other crushed nuts for decoration - I couldn't wait!
Store in fridge for up to 2 weeks in sealed container.
Linley xx
Friday, 8 March 2013
Sugar Free Update
I've been sugar free for 10 months now - woo hoo!
After ditching the white stuff, my appetite is a lot more balanced, my skin is looking better, the weight has been easier to move and my moods have also really improved. I'm not saying they have completely gone and I still have some bad days, but they are a lot less extreme and don't last as long.
However, I'm no longer as strict on myself as I was in the first 4 months. After a lot of experimenting I realised I don't like the taste that stevia leaves in my mouth, and rice malt syrup (while wonderful raw), seems to lose its sweetness once cooked. So now I use honey in my baking. I do not feel guilty about this at all, honey is a beautiful natural product that enjoyed in moderation is fine for me and what I'm trying to achieve.
Another sweetener I use all the time is banana! We always seem to have spotty bananas around just waiting to be turned into a gluten free cookie or muffin.
However it's not all plain sailing, I have found it's much harder to get my girls to eat this 'new' type of treat. My eldest girl has a massive sweet tooth so I've replaced sugar with rice malt syrup (which is fructose free) on her yoghurt and weetbix, but she doesn't like the cakes and cookies I make with it. I guess it's just a case of keep trying new things and see what takes.
If you'd like to learn more click here to buy THE guide to quitting sugar. Its life changing.
Linley xx
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Scrub Baby, Scrub!
Here's a fun one for you today. A little do -it-yourself project that gives you a great pick me up and takes no time at all to do!
Homemade body scrubs are a super easy way to treat yourself that you can whip up at home using natural ingredients from the pantry.
All you need is 1 part oil (coconut, olive oil, almond) to 2 parts sugar (white or brown or salt). Then add whatever essential oils you love.
Here is a one of my favourite recipes for you that is a bit more involved but leaves your skin amazingly soft and irisistable to touch.
Brown Sugar Coffee Scrub
1/4 cup olive oil (we grow and press our own, but try for organic wherever possible)
1/4 cup brown sugar (has anti bacterial properties)
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tbs coffee grounds (helps redistribute fat cells and decrease cellulite)
1 tbs honey (has anti bacterial properties)
1 tsp vanilla (cinnamon or ginger is also divine)
Mix, mix, mix, if the mixture is too wet add more sugar, too dry then add more oil.
Put your lovely scrub into a container that can be sealed, rock on over to your bath and get scrubbing!
Note: Please do not use on your face, brown sugar scrub is for body use only. Stir before use, the oil will settle to the bottom. Be careful of slippery shower floors. This scrub will last up to 2 months.
Upon my travels I stumbled across these super gorgeous labels that would work wonderfully on a glass jar as a gift for a friend. Head over to So it was a Weekend (you can dowload them from her blog).
Have fun and enjoy,
Linley xx
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Why are you so tired, foggy and frazzled?
It could be adrenal fatigue!
I dont know about you, but I am tired, forgetful and fried most of the time. After researching and trying all sorts of health remedies, excercise and simply sleeping more - all to no avail, I realise I may have adrenal fatigue.
Adrenal fatigue is generally caused by increased stress for a prolonged peiod. Little glands sit above your kidneys and produce cortisol to keep you going during stressful periods until they simply run out. They are there to control your immune system, normalize blood sugar and regulate blood pressure.
If you are suffering these symptoms you should consult a health professional:
It would be fair to say that I have experienced a whopping great s&%$tload of stress in the last 3 years. The result of this period of time in my life has left my so rundown that I will catch EVERY SINGLE cold, flu and sniffle my beautiful babies bring home from school. In fact, I've got one right now. After my bootcamp class, at a respectable 9.15am in the morning, I will go home and sleep for 2 hours. That is not normal.
I hear though, there are remedies that may help me, are you interested????
Some recommedations for supplements are : (Please, always consult your doctor or naturopath before taking any of these supplements as they may interfere with previous conditions or other mediction.)
Drink lots of water, rest, remove stress, eliminate sugar, caffeine and alcohol. You should eat regular frequent small meals, laugh and excercise (lightly).
There is another complicating issue, as adrenal fatigue is also linked to thyroid disfunction. Unfortunately for me I also have hypothyroidism (underactive).
The beautiful Kris Carr has written some excellent posts about this issue and Dr Wilson has a wonderful website explaining all of this in more detail.
So if you think this could be you, make an appointment and get it checked out. The sooner you get onto it the better for you and everyone who loves you.
Linley xx
I dont know about you, but I am tired, forgetful and fried most of the time. After researching and trying all sorts of health remedies, excercise and simply sleeping more - all to no avail, I realise I may have adrenal fatigue.
Adrenal fatigue is generally caused by increased stress for a prolonged peiod. Little glands sit above your kidneys and produce cortisol to keep you going during stressful periods until they simply run out. They are there to control your immune system, normalize blood sugar and regulate blood pressure.
If you are suffering these symptoms you should consult a health professional:
- You feel tired for no reason
- You have trouble getting up on the morning
- Feel rundown or overwhelmed
- Crave sweet or salty foods
- Feel most awake and alert after 6pm
- Increased allergies
- Lightheaded when getting up or down from sitting or laying down positions.
It would be fair to say that I have experienced a whopping great s&%$tload of stress in the last 3 years. The result of this period of time in my life has left my so rundown that I will catch EVERY SINGLE cold, flu and sniffle my beautiful babies bring home from school. In fact, I've got one right now. After my bootcamp class, at a respectable 9.15am in the morning, I will go home and sleep for 2 hours. That is not normal.
I hear though, there are remedies that may help me, are you interested????
Some recommedations for supplements are : (Please, always consult your doctor or naturopath before taking any of these supplements as they may interfere with previous conditions or other mediction.)
- Ashwaganda
- Licorice Plus
- Vitamin C
- Calcium and magnesium
Drink lots of water, rest, remove stress, eliminate sugar, caffeine and alcohol. You should eat regular frequent small meals, laugh and excercise (lightly).
There is another complicating issue, as adrenal fatigue is also linked to thyroid disfunction. Unfortunately for me I also have hypothyroidism (underactive).
The beautiful Kris Carr has written some excellent posts about this issue and Dr Wilson has a wonderful website explaining all of this in more detail.
So if you think this could be you, make an appointment and get it checked out. The sooner you get onto it the better for you and everyone who loves you.
Linley xx
Monday, 4 March 2013
I'm back!
So much has happened in the past 8 or so months, but the main reason for my break was the unbelievable run of sickness we had as a family last winter. It was just shocking. I'm trying a few things out in the hope we can avoid it again this year, but more on that to follow.
My hubby and I had an amazing trip to New York, had a wonderful relaxing summer holiday at home and now I feel ready to re-enter the fray so to speak.
The blog will change direction slightly, I hope to introduce wonderful blogs to you, health and wellness ideas and recipes and some crafty tutorials that I've tried and tested for you. It's a blog more to suit my whole life, rather than just the journey from deletion of sugar from my diet (which I'm happy to say I've stayed off from, with no intention to return).
Much love and more to follow,
Linley xx
So much has happened in the past 8 or so months, but the main reason for my break was the unbelievable run of sickness we had as a family last winter. It was just shocking. I'm trying a few things out in the hope we can avoid it again this year, but more on that to follow.
My hubby and I had an amazing trip to New York, had a wonderful relaxing summer holiday at home and now I feel ready to re-enter the fray so to speak.
The blog will change direction slightly, I hope to introduce wonderful blogs to you, health and wellness ideas and recipes and some crafty tutorials that I've tried and tested for you. It's a blog more to suit my whole life, rather than just the journey from deletion of sugar from my diet (which I'm happy to say I've stayed off from, with no intention to return).
Much love and more to follow,
Linley xx
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